
Your life, Your memories, Your City

Our Community

The community involvement of our residents is what keeps the City of Bowling Green vibrant and a wonderful place to live.

The resources on our website should help address most of your questions, but if you need additional information, assistance or want to let us know about something in the community, please submit a resident request.

Whether there’s an event you’d like added to the town calendar, you want to be on the agenda for an upcoming council meeting or you’ve noticed a public safety issue – most requests can be handled by communicating with us through our Request Form.

We’ll get in touch with you if we need more information and/or to let you know that your concern was addressed.


Local government is the government closest to the people! In order for our city to provide for its citizens, we encourage residents to participate in our local government. Here you will find some helpful information to get involved in the decisions being made in the City of Bowling Green.

Attend a Meeting

We always list at least two upcoming City Commission Meetings on our .

You can find Agendas and Minutes from previous and upcoming meetings on our

City Commission Meetings are usually the second Tuesday of each month!