Code Enforcement

Your life, Your memories, Your City

Code Enforcement, Dawn Stark


Responsible for overseeing the building department, planning and zoning board, board of adjustment, and work with the Police Department on all matters pertaining to code enforcement.


Code Enforcement is necessary to make sure the Land Development Regulations and Codes are adhered to by all residents.  Without Code Enforcement, our community would have no parameters within to live and remain orderly.

All tax paying citizens should have the expectation of a clean and safe neighborhood.  All citizens should have the right to peaceful coexistence and if there is defiance of the code in their community, they should have the assurance that it will be dealt with until the violation is corrected.

Code Enforcement also regulates that new construction is being placed in the proper zoning areas and setbacks are abided by.  Permits for construction are approved through Code Enforcement before being processed by the Building Department.

If you have a code enforcement concern or you need to report an issue within our community, send a email directly to our office with the details. 


Occupational License Price List FY22.23– List of business categories for potential businesses. For any questions, please call City Hall at (863) 375-2255

Business Registration app– Any business /contractor wishing to conduct work within the city limits must be registered with the City Clerk’s office.

Sign Off  – If you live within the city limits, sign offs are required before you may pull a permit at the Hardee County Building and Zoning office. A sign off is also required before you install a fence on the property.

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